HD Rumble?
OK, so you got two rumble motors in each joycon, and they seem to react fairly quickly to frequency changes, which is nice. However, I struggle to come up with some nice rumble patterns, and especially something that takes into consideration that the two motors can act independently.
Mostly, I just loop through all four motors, and run the same rumble pattern on them.
So, has anyone come up with some nice rumble effects that can inspire me? Post what you have here. (I will do the same when I have my Switch within reach.)
One idea that I would like to try is playing a song with the rumble motors, but I have not started experimenting with that yet.
@vinicity now im wondering if rumble and motion controls could be twinned together then to take it further how about a pheromone wand for a music program
What on earth is a pheromone wand?
kind of like that but using the joycon distance to change frequency's
Theremin ... lol not the best speller -
That does make more sense.
Hope this is not not too long for copyright, but I think the Big Bang Theory has helped with the brand awareness of the Theramin: