Long program wish: multiple files / virtual files
Hi Fuze Team,
Haven't checked on this topic in awhile but as feedback from watching my son's recent journey on Fuze, I wanted to get this on the big board again.
It's probably a result of our level of sophistication("if we had more time we would have written a shorter program") but once the program tips the scales at 1000+ lines it definitely has been a bit of complex hydra to maintain. Don't get me wrong the bookmarks are working and a big help. However, as others have mentioned in the forum, would love to be able to break up the program into smaller chunks in the IDE.
Maybe it's a virtual implementation where there's a "Simplified Programs" with an abstracted view and has the areas that Dave covers here: https://fuzearena.com/forum/topic/1876/large-project-template-download-code and then merges back into one file.
I could see this adding a lot of value for folks starting their programming journey and more advanced Fuzers as well.
Anyway, just food for thought. Thanks for listening and keep up the good work.