Picross game
This is a puzzle game. You are given number clues that correspond to how many squares you mark in a given row or column. If the numbers are seperated by a space. The space means there is a break (gap) in what you mark. Currently puzzles are 5 row and 5 columns (this will be changed later). For example if clue in 1st row is a 5. You would mark all 5 columns in that row. If its 2 2. This means mark 2, skip at least 1 and mark 2 more.
Currently the game just loads 1 puzzle (this will change later) you can change the hard coded puzzle by editing default=[31,4,4,4,4]. These number can be obtained using edit mode. This is currently on line 2 but subject to change.
Use digital pad to highlight a grid and push a to mark it as correct. Push b to place an x on grid. This used as a tool for yourself to let you know where gaps are.
If you mark a incorrect grid there is no penalty (will be changed later).
My friend code is SW-7640-2371-1534
Ooh! Great idea, can't beat a bit of Picross!
Changed how the program works internally. Cleaned up many things, structures are now used, removed redundant code. Line 1 now contains displayed puzzle, to make it easier to change puzzle. There is support for multiple puzzle but only displays first puzzle currently. Just need to come up with a design for choosing puzzle number. I may also add random puzzles too. Will be easy to add but pictures wont make sense (obviously).
- added ability to choose levels with l and r
- added ability to change size of puzzles in edit mode with l and r
Currently there are only 3 puzzles, you can add more by adding to the puzzledata function. Start after 3rd
function puzzledata() //start leveldata //.... (data for prev. Levels) puzzle[4].data=[31,17,17,17,31] puzzle[4].size=5 //end leveldata return void()
Adding the above code would make a square using a 5x5 grid. The data is obtained using editmode and represents the value on right side of each row starting from top row seperated by commas