@linkcraft said in Fuse survey:
How did you find fuze and what made you interested in joining the community?
I enjoyed simple game programming when I was a kid, and more recently I had made some stuff in Scratch to see if I could interest my kids in programming. After that I had an itch to get back into game dev for fun, so I started looking at Gamemaker and SmileBasic, but somehow found out about Fuze, bought it and then fell in love with it. I think especially the helpful community made me feel like I had found the thing for me. I also loved the idea of the regular gamejams.
What are one or more goals you have when it comes to fuze and participating in the forum?
Have fun. Help people out by sharing what little I have learned about Fuze and amateur game developing. Create fun games for other to play!
What are some words or phrases that you use almost strictly to other community members?
"Bisque", "Recursion limit exceeded again!", light-hearted jokes about when the next patch will appear...
How often do you find the feedback you receive from the community beneficial?
Quite often. I love getting feedback.