Wormhole retro arcade style game
@SteveZX81 thanks mate and thanks for asking some really good questions on the forum. I've learnt quite a bit from your enquires that I wouldn't have thought of. Keep it up.
And update.
Implemented game states and now you can also get shot.
Two ways to play the old way and a basic level progression.
Its pretty easy so far as I've put shields in instead of lives.
More of a demo than a game. Anyway I'm pretty happy how it's going so far. Thought I'd share before I start mucking with the 3d routines cos they can be tricky if you introduce an error then have no backup. Already spent two hours today chasing a bug I wrote in some new code. That was painful enough ended up being I misspelled a variable.
Haven't put a permanent save state in yet and probably won't till it's nearly complete and I have more of an idea what needs to be saved.
Fixed a bug with the lightning being displayed but it still needs some work.
And I've spent some fruitless hours trying to find the wormhole display bug. Not really noticeable but it annoys the crap out of me.
Anyway now I've got that all working. time to rewrite some of the 3d functions. Again.
Se163mnd94 -
Rewrote the wormhole code that I made on the first day. It was pretty wasteful code. Combined a few separate loops into one and turned the 2 dimensional arrays into 1 dimensional. Stopped calculating every point in the wormhole through the rotation perspective math, 180 points down to 20 , 2 per circle. basically the centre and a perspective distance.
Finally found the wormhole display bug. Yay.
So it's all running at a nifty 60 fps which I'm pretty happy with.
Added some sounds and graphical flourishes
Rewrote some of the 3d modeling code and got a nice little speed boost. Enough to make a simple boss model hopefully not slowing it down to much.
Anyway it's pending
Ngfn2mnd94 -
Awesome! Also an interesting choice of sound effects...
@vinicity yeah the chook sound was to stop me from firing when the game was over. Not immediately obvious when you've finished.
Wormhole is now live
Ngfn2mnd94 -
Holy hell this is hard!
Hey guys, if you do games like this I go back to Power Point. - Seriously, this is spectacular: the self made 3D objects, the flashs, the tunnel with the foreground-background/distance implementation and also the human-stuff is well arranged: the loading screen, the animation/sound/rumble combination when you get hit, the glow of the guns.
You did not explicitly asked for feedback, so, just skip it, but it would be nice to let the player enjoy all this game elements a bit more; probably you are processing the visual inputs at a higher speed, then me. You are still reading, so here we go: my wishs to get into the flow would be
- iterate two types of game phases: one with the flashs, afterwards one with the objects
- move the flashs a bit more to the borders of the tunnel, so, the player can just focus on the right stick (spinning), at least the first time, so he can enjoy them for a while
- in the phase where the objects appear: leave the green shots (boxes) away, I am not able to dodge all of them ;-) and they cover the nice objects. If there are only objects, the user can survive by only aiming with the left stick and shooting (ZR)
- in additional flash-phases you could start move every 5th flash or so to the middle, so its clear for the user he has now to use the left and right stick to survive.
But hey, thats just if the intention was not to serve the main dish with the dessert. Its overwhelming any way. Good job!
@spikey yes this more demo than game at the moment.
There is still a lot I'm planning for this so this really is just demo with hooks in the code to facilitate more advanced stuff. I've got the switching of states between levels and knocked up some basic levels t go through to test that it works fine. E.g. if you wipe out 20 in the first wave it gives you bonus shields. I think I've taken out the first wave shooting at me in my current build, so it's really a matter of time. There are numerous things I need to work on ...Currently the enemies come straight down the wormhole and pass you by like galaxian or xevious that's ok for some sections but I plan also to have them get into formations and go back and forth in the wormhole more like galaga or gyruss (not to sure about gyruss )
Been working on speeding up my 3d render engine and think I might have reached limit of what's possible. It's sitting now for 100 polygons at almost but not quite 60fps and with the full game operating at the same time above 30 fps. If I hadn't been making this game I may not have achieved this increase in speed and I plan on when I get the time to implement in my other code that started me down this track.
The bombs come toward you way too fast to dodge now and will be replaced with a nice sprite that I've found and neglected so far to implement. Same as the entrance flash which is just a white circle presently.
And some other surprises that will bring a smile to your face hopefully.FUZE is an awesome product that at it's heart is focused on learning to code. So I welcome you to hack it.
Don't like how the aliens fire in the first wave?
Grab the code
go to game states
Scroll down to function challenge 1
punch_tape = 0
mod_et_bomb_speed to 20000
Now every 20000 frames an Emeny will appear
All this code here controls the level progression.
Change the levels to your hearts content
Bomb release speed 1 is every frame a bomb will be released
Mod_spawn_et how fast they spawn
Mod_barrier_amount 0 no lightning 10 next
Modify the wormhole itself
If it says mod you can modify it on the fly in the game here.
Run amok
There's a big list of all the modifiers you can change in the game at the beginning of the code at line 80
Just use them in the game state area of code
Thanks for your feedback it's always welcome and I'll keep it in mind -
Is this nearing the end ? I want to add in the cockpit with tons of states of animation but you keep adding new awesome updates XD
Hopefully I'm half way. But it will depend on future progress being at the same rate ??
Don't know if this is my bad programming.
Or what caused this to break
In the vid is the offending code and it's an array
Model [this].point [ hexpointcount ]
Spent some time trying to work out what was going on.
Took the code out and ran it separately and it worked fine.
All the code before this is similar except in this code I'm calculating points and adding into array one slot at a time.
Now the fix is to set a temp array to grab the calculated answers then after the loop dump it into the old array.
Why does this work ? I don't know.
Now this code worked fine before the update and I can't see anything in the update that would cause this to happen. So I would assume it's my code somewhere else causing this and yet it runs fine now.
So I updated this file with the fix.