Saving Data using a Deserializer
I made a really fast deserializer and validator that supports
, andstruct
vars by using recursion, allowing for 2D and 3D arrays of all supported data types. (4D arrays may cause a recursive error though)I'm also making a save data system using it, which is also in the project.
(Pending) Download ID:
UPDATE: After looking at @pianofire's code and redesigning the save data system, the loading and saving is near-instant:
(roughly the code in the project)How to use the Save Data System:
store = [] // values to save and load int multiArray[10][2] int integerNum = 100 // keys for saving and loading int MultiArrayKey int IntegerKey if !LoadStore() then // Initialize values MultiArrayKey = NewValue("2DArray1", multiArray) IntegerKey = NewValue("integer", integerNum) // Save new values savestore() else // Find keys MultiArrayKey = FindKey("2DArray1") IntegerKey = FindKey("integer") // Deserialize values from stored strings multiArray = GetValue(MultiArrayKey) integerNum = GetValue(IntegerKey) endif
Deserializer Functions:
// --- Deserializer FUNCTIONS--- (some at least) function TryDeserializeVar(aString) isAnyType = true aString = str(aString) type = "void" null v result = TryDeserializeString(aString) if (result.isType) then v = result.result else result = TryDeserializeNumber(aString) if (result.isType) then v = result.result else result = TryDeserializeVector(aString) if (result.isType) then v = result.result else result = TryDeserializeArray(aString) if (result.isType) then v = result.result else isAnyType = false endif endif endif endif resultStruct = [.isType = isAnyType, .result = v, .type = type] return resultStruct
Array Deserialization
function TryDeserializeArray(aString) aString = str(aString) elements = TryGetArrayElements(aString) array anArray[0] if elements.isType then for i = 0 to len(elements.result) result = TryDeserializeVar(elements.result[i]) if (result.isType then anArray[len(anArray)] = result.result else break endif repeat endif resultStruct = [.isType = elements.isType, .result = anArray] return resultStruct
String Deserialization
function TryDeserializeString(aString) aString = str(aString) quote = chr(34) foundQuote = false result = "" isType = false endQuote = 0 startQuote = -1 for i = 0 to len(aString) loop if aString[i] == quote then endQuote = i endif repeat for i = 0 to len(aString) loop if aString[i] == quote and !foundQuote then foundQuote = true i += 1 if i >= len(aString) then break endif endif if foundQuote and i == endQuote then isType = true break endif if aString[i] != quote and !foundQuote then isType = false break endif if foundQuote then result += aString[i] endif repeat resultStruct = [.isType = isType, .result = result] return resultStruct
function var(aString) return tryDeserializeVar.result struct null int null endstruct
the deserializer can be used separately, like if you're using @gothon's filesystem you can get values using this.
Update: added support for structs with a really easy way to create custom converters for custom structs. Some come with the deserializer, like
, i'm still adding in the rest of the system structs.One thing to note is that the deserializer treats structs alot like arrays, so a 3D array with structs may cause a recursive error like 4D arrays.