Array help
So I've got an idea for a game I want to make, but I gotta start with something that I cant quite get right. I need an array like this: array[ x, y, z ] : I need to be able to use the x, y, and a variables to access a single value, that I can both read and write. Any easy ways to do this or should I find another way to store this data?
You make each element of your array an array to give a multi dimensional array. Multi dimensional arrays are accessed as Array[x][y][z].
Something to keep in mind with Fuze (at least in it's current implementation) is that it doesn't assign values by reference.
So if you have a multiple dimensional array, it does matter how you iterate over them:
For example:values = [ [0, 1], [5, 6] ] print(values, "\n") // [0,1], [5,6] for i = 0 to len(values[0]) loop values[0][i] = values[0][i] + 1 repeat print(values, "\n") // [1,2], [5,6] row = values[0] // assigning creates copy for i = 0 to len(row) loop row[i] = row[i] + 1 repeat print(values, "\n") // [1,2], [5,6] print(row, "\n") // [2,3] values[0] = row // assigning back into the multi dimensional array print(values, "\n") // [2,3], [5,6] // Added this example by editing the post
So as soon as you assign values[0] to a variable, that becomes a copy of the array at values[0] and changes to that array do not apply to the original array.
I'm not saying this is wrong, it even has it's advantages. But I didn't expect this when I tried out multi-dimensional array. So when I read that there was a bug with copying structs, I chose not to use multi-dimensional arrays in my code.
In hind sight, now I think I get how they work, and you can take advantage of that..
Thanks for the help. That will help alot!