Sanitization Unit: Fuzeion
oh wow! that looks awesome!
Looks really good! Nice menu too!
Still in 4:3! :)
Alright so I fixed up the major bugs and whatnot and thought I'd put the code down here. I doubt I'll do much with it now, but at least you can play what's there!
Very cool game!
New update! I replaced the default font with my own custom one, added an option to change the border (there's only two right now). There's also a Game Over screen now, and the music changes with it. The big UFO guy has a different bullet pattern now too. Some general changes to how the game handles bullets. The biggest changes are backend, lot's of things got moved to functions to make it easier to add new things later. Currently pending!
@Retrocade_media that's awesome! btw, have you submitted it to the Showcase Gallery? Seems like a perfect fit, expecially with the update
@CasualTie5 I will as soon as it's actually a game! Right now it's just those three patterns of enemies looping randomly. Once theres some more gameplay though, yea!
I just made a tiny alteration, making the scrolling speed on the intro faster. I know it's a weird change to make out of the blue months later but I felt like it. I'm currently close to releasing an improved version of the original game this is based on, and felt like I should go back to it. I think this time around I might submit it to the showcase gallery, despite it not having much depth