Platformer movement with maps not array levels
I've tried making a simple 2d platformer at first I used plr.spr.y_speed as gravity and plr.spr.x_speed as the movement speed and left and right movement worked but when I started to work with jumping I was able to jump endlessly the tutorials don't help!
check out some of the gamejam games, iv made many platformers using maps, you need a jump switch so the program knows if your touching the floor.
`col = collidemap(player,true)
if len(col)>= 0 then
jump = true
endifif c.a and jump ==true then
player.y_speed = -40
jump = false
endif`there is a little more to it so if your still stuck check out the sample programs/gamejam games
So collidemap() returns an array of all the ’map pieces’ you’re touching? Do you have to set anything special in the map editor for that to work?
@toxibunny yep thats it all the boxes circle's triangles you draw in the map editor correlate with the collidemap() unless you name them which in that case you define them
Ok thanks for the help I'll give it a try.
@poof92 if your still stuck i'm happy to share a program with comments to get you going
Yeah could you it would really be helpful thanks.
@poof92 no problem won't be till tomorrow afternoon though
Thats fine by me thank you
16Z73MND5U platform jumper submitted, i had the same issue when i first started but this should get you going also added in simple animation states for the player.
Awesome thank you I'll check it out
It works really well now thanks