Game started on June 23 by toxibunny.
Here is the schedule:
Let's post updates, discussions, and questions in this thread.
Ok. I’ve started off with a bit of structure this time. I’ll try and keep things a little tidier than usual.
Ok I’ve done enough. It’s on my other profile, so anyone wanting to download it via friend share should send a request using my friend code I posted in the main thread, otherwise it’s 9br33mndnd (currently pending). Phew!
Any questions, just ask here or on the discord :)
That looks very intriguing. Can’t wait to get started on that next week!
OK, I think I'm done with my part!
I added in home bases for every player, a score mechanic, a flashy title screen and also touch controls.
It can now be found in my friends shares...
Good luck, @AndyG1985!
Oh, I forgot to mention that the title has somehow morphed into Norwegian Billiards!
Luckily @toxibunny assures me that it is totally not a made-up game at all. It has been played by the bourgeoisie in Norway for hundreds of years. The traditional prize for winning is a bucket of herring, but alas, that won't be possible when playing the Fuze version.
It’s been a bit of a tough week for me and I didn’t get enough time to really get to grips with Vinicity’s music tool, so I went rogue. Lots of fun though as ever! Over to you, @waldron !
@andyg1985 thanks, that is so spooky that is the same tune I listen to when playing Norwegian Billiards!. I have no idea what I'm gonna do with this game but excited to get dug in :)
This is now shared, I managed to sneak a cosmic effect to the title screen, some music
Some ai that hopefully gothon can hopefully redo or fix or run to the hills XD. Added options for timer number of players ect and a black ball.
After fixing up the game, I made the players paint the ground in ink that helps the balls go into the goal, and also charges up a special spinning big mode. I also rewrote the AI. It is not terribly smart, but it will move around and push balls into the goal.
I hope this is enough to complete this take on the 2 - 4 player game of Norwegian Billiards!
Shared now as: KXV73MND9L (pending)