Top down scroller
Very nice! it kind of reminds me of the bombing minigame in Wings! (one of my fave Amiga games)
going to add some more later clouds and tidy up the side borders. i have added top and bottom collision in the form of invisible sprites moving at the same speed as the camera sprite and hoping to finally tackle shooting ......
That is so so cool Andy. Very nicely done
@MikeDX cheers feels nice just moving it around haha
@waldron Hey if you want my project might help for the shooting mechanics. I can't remember the code but it's just called Fuze Shmup in the great list of game codes. You'll have to change the x and y speed values but it should help if you can get it working
@Retrocade_media iv been through it already its really well made ! il take another look at it now thank you
@waldron oh thank you! I hope it's helpful!
@Retrocade_media it is really well set out its just the positions ect i have trouble with when it comes to getting it to work with my game setup, with perseverance i'l get it
@Retrocade_media got it working ;) changed the firing direction works a treat !!!
time for bed lol
that typewrite at the beginning is genius can learn so much from this! -
@waldron Haha thanks so much! Its honestly a bit of a mess, and the typewrite function was not my idea, but I'm glad that its helpful!
@Retrocade_media only problem now is to get rid of the boundary for the screen so I can have my moving camera sprite but when I delete the boundary it messes up the firing directions
@waldron Try keeping the boundary, but using the Cameras x position plus half the screen width for the right boundary, etc for the rest. (assuming the camera is in the center)
basically iv got an invisible sprite moving up which iv set the camera to, il have a mess with the boundaries see if i can get it working
Reworked the map and also have fully functional shooting BIG thanks @Dave
@waldron Is that acceleration on the ship? Or just analog controls?
And also do you have any plans to move the player along with the camera? At the moment it looks like if you stop you'll slowly move backwards until you hit the border, which will make dodging bullets infinitely harder. -
Looking absolutely gorgeous @waldron. Those clouds mate!
@Retrocade_media just the joystick movement, I do want the plane to move with the camera but as soon as you hit the joystick it cancels the y speed but to be honest its not that bad plus I have the dodge side shift buttons feels like one of those redbull stunt planes when moving.