FUZE GAME JAM #5: 31st July - 2nd August THEME: LIGHT
stupid question, but "light" as in "not heavy" or "visibility"?
both might be cool soo... -
@CasualTie5 I believe this is why the theme is one word each time, because you can spin it however you want and gives more variety.
I can’t come up with anything (that I can make)
@LinkCraft maybe think of a genre you like and find a way to have Light as the theme? e.g. you like racing games, so you make a light-speed racer? something like that
@LinkCraft You could Link(craft) it via story. In the last Game Jam, the theme was "speed". There was nothing speedy in gameplay about my submission. The story was loosely related to speed of light. :D Nobody minded.
There is a lot of scope here:
Light can be a noun, a verb or an adjective
2.(of a color) pale.
Yep that's gonna be my game. Sold! -
@Jongjungbu someone's gotta make a game about light blue now, just to prove it's possible ;)
@CasualTie5 That sounds awesome!
Mine is submitted ! (But I’m afraid that it is riddled with misspelled words! 😢)
I've submitted an entry! I just corrected it to include "Fuze Game Jam 5" in its description.
Submitted. With only an hour and a half to spare. Haha.
Well done everyone - keep 'em coming...
@Martin how many are there so far?
I've put one in too.
Not really finished though -
mine is submitted too :D
hope it is fun to play though - at least I had a blast making it for sure! -
A fair few :D
submitted :) frogs away
@Dave Thank you for playing our games and offering encouraging comments!
It is fun to do this, and to see everyone's games!