Space Shifter wip
wow love the graphics and the ship looks really neat!
@JMM161437 Is there a reason why I don't see anything besides 'A low in scope Fuze friendly project' ???
There should be a link to Twitter with a video. What are you viewing it with?
@pianofire The latest version of Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 🤔
Edit: it must be one of the extensions because it loads fine in an incognito window. I'll investigate some more after lunch. Thank you!
@waldron i like that idea. It feels like a tractor beam will appear any moment.
Latest version shared as a demo concept thing (NSFS3MND5U)
Looking good!
submitted my space shifter updated version no end state yet
and still have to finish the second map but the first level and boss fight is completed
(NXKZ88CH5U) also need to add collision to the fireballs on level 2 -
Project completed minus unknown bugs that may crop up..
3 maps at a total length of 310000 pixels each level with its own unique style.
im rather glad to see the back of it for now and maybe revisit and add more levels in the future. -
Great work, @waldron!
Can’t wait to play it!
I think Waldron forgot the download ID? I will add it:
Download ID : UEA33MND5U
Great game, but it is rock hard! I will need a lot of practice in order to see the later levels...
Will be updating this with bug fixes and minor changes, still going to be hard but not as hard.
Awesome! I think just removing the inertia from the ship will do wonders for playability!
@vinicity i tried that but it makes it harder as you need to constantly update the up and down movement feels mechanical instead on the odd press to update it which to me feels better while dodging terrain.
Mainly reworking the collision code with my laser shots as i was doing that wrong and removal of the warp drive business. -
@vinicity well your right! iv removed the inertia and it has done wonders
thanks man when i tried it before i forgot to increase the y speed so now it's nice and punchy, i'v managed to update the game faster then i thought should have it done soon !
reduced player x speed
reduced chaser ship speed
reduced little enemy laser speed
improved collision code. -
Cool! I look forward to playing the new version!
new version shared QDZ53MND5U
i seemed to of fixed all previous bugs collisions and death trigger. with the new controls in place it is easier to dodge terrain but now feels
a bit empty in spots so will update with some more enemy spawns perhaps.