Fuze 3.1.0 is about 1 (to 2) fps slower compared to fuze 3.0.0 and about 6 to 8 fps slower compared to april 2020 version
@pianofire once created an optimized benchmark to test something in fuze
it' this code :
numSprites = 4096 array sprites[numSprites] setMode(1280, 720) ballImg = loadImage("Ball", false) sf = 35 for i = 0 to len(sprites) loop sprites[i] = createSprite() setSpriteImage(sprites[i], ballImg) setSpriteColor(sprites[i], rnd(1.0), rnd(1.0), rnd(1.0), 1.0) setSpriteLocation(sprites[i], rnd(gWidth()), rnd(gHeight())) setspritespeed(sprites[i], (rnd(40)-20) * sf, 0 ) repeat gw = gwidth() gh = gheight() loop clear() for i = 0 to len(sprites) loop if sprites[i].y >= gH then sprites[i].y = gH sprites[i].y_speed = ( -10-rnd(30) ) * sf endif if sprites[i].x <= 0 or sprites[i].x >= gw then sprites[i].x_speed *= -1 endif sprites[i].y_speed += sf repeat updateSprites() drawSprites() update() repeat
(side note you need to add the code to center the camera ever since fuze 3.0.0) basically set sprite to half screen)
In april 2020 this code reached 40 fps (don't know which fuze version this was) in fuze 3.0.0 this code dropped to about 34 fps and in fuze 3.1.0 this code dropped to about 32-33 fps
Has it ever been found out why there is such drop in fps compared to the april 2020 version? I mean 6-8 fps on 40 fps max is a lot that's a fith slower compared to that version. It must be something internally but i don't know what and i don't know if you guys can still compare against old versions.
The only thing i noticed when fps meter is turned on is that the lower right value (don't know exactly what that is but i think it was something related to vsync delay) starts at about 16 then goes to 0 and wraps around to 16 again and i don't know if this is normal should that value even decrease like that ? also cpu time is mostly 32-33 ms but sometimes jumps to 16 ms quickly only to return to 32-33ms again afterwards.
I'm really interested in what this cause might be especially compared to the april 2020 version of fuze.
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