Community Libraries
I think the issue with online multiplayer has a lot to do with security. It would probably have to use p2p (peer to peer) as a server would get quickly overloaded. It seems like the kind of thing where Fuze would need to handle most of the implementation, or else people could be very vulnerable. That could even come down to just having a line of code at the beginning that says online() and then doing the code for syncing between players and that, but locking away all of the actual set up. Thats up to Fuze, but I can see nintendo not being too stoked if Fuze suddenly opens up a bunch of security vulnerabilities in the switch
That's true, Fuze would need to do the heavy lifting, and it would be easy to cheat if multiplayer is enabled anyway (just modify the code, right?) :P
Also I don't see support for modern technologies that would make sure everybody is in sync happening (for example: the sever decides where the players are). So with a shooting game, you'd probably have issues with disagreeing who did and didn't die.
From a Fuze user perspective, I'd imagine a simple interface like the one below, but I realize that it's not easy to provide something like that and having Nintendo to agree on it as well:
connection = connect("username") // or maybe use nintendo username automatically, combined with the game code id as the type of connection while loop // might not be online if username is taken, or if there is a network problem messages =; // returns array of struct: [id:"other username", message: "data from other user"], connection.send("e8Q", ["other username"]) //chess move, promoting pawn to queen. "other username" would receive: [.id="username", .message="e8Q"] connection.keepAlive() // keep calling this to make sure the connection doesn't time out. repeat
I asked for include files on day 1...
@Martin Do you mean librarys or external stuff ?
@petermeisenstein I think that we are talking about libraries of user defined functions
@pianofire Yes i was wandering what he meant with include files
@petermeisenstein Well that is how it works in c include "filename"
@pianofire Ok now i understood he meant example #include <linux.kernel.cpu>
I meant multiple editor tabs with the ability to somehow call one from another in whatever form. Don't hold your breath, it's not likely to arrive any time soon. Same with libraries - there are more important priorities right now.
@Martin Ok thanks for sharing your opinion and experiences