Hashes my new second interest but what are best one way functions
Hey you probably know me as the Python dude but in the last time I enjoyed hash functions very much. Do you have any experience with implementing one. And what else besides of modulo you can use as a one way function?
I usually use the built in one:
It seems to yield good results.
@vinicity But I mean is this used for the encryption of things safely?
I am talking about hashes like MD5 or SHA256. Modulo is for example one way function or you can also use Bitoperations like XOR OR AND ... -
I don't think the stringHash algorithm in Fuze is one way, for example:
stringHash("a") == stringHash("b") - 1
, so even when you don't know the algorithm you can approximate the original value by it's predictable outcomes.However, I wouldn't really consider MD5 a safe encryption algorithm anymore either. Even 10 years ago, you could just enter an MD5 hash on public websites that would provide you with the original value in a matter of seconds...
@PB____ Yeah MD5 is not safe today but SHA256 for example.