Confused About Projects...
I've created a number of different code projects. I was expecting to easily come back in and see a list of my project to either pick from to edit. I also don't see a way to delete a project. But, oddly enough, if I go into Tools I can go into Map or Image editors and see my code projects but can load them from there. Am I missing something?... Is this a huge bug, or am missing something in how to manage my code projects?
From the main menu, click Programs, then use L and R to switch between “tabs”. It will start at “Fuze Projects”, but pressing R will switch it to “My Projects” instead.
To copy/delete/share a project, move the selection square over the project and press X to open a menu.
OMG : ) That makes sense now. I didn't even think about L and R there. I found another strange way... If you go into one of the Tools items and select a code project it will remember what you selected when you cancel out and go into Code. Leave it to me to find a weird way to get there ... hahaha!