Nintendo labo integration
I was really hyped for the labo piano but after seeing the software for it I never ended up buying it. Now today I am thinking hmmm. What if I wrote my own software for labo using fuze! I believe the piano uses a sensor in the joycon to measure distance to see wich key is being pressed.
Do we have access to all the joycon sensors in fuze to be compatible with all the labo?
Anyone made labo stuff yet?
I was thinking the same thing, you can actually get all the cardboard blueprints for free...
So, in theory, make a piano synth that can record and boom...
now you got yourself a cardboard midi controller :P
And, um, don't forget the Labo VR goggles. If we could get a VR mode into FUZE that supports 2 camera objects (left eye, right eye) and does the necessary split/distorted display trick, I would be in hog heaven.
I really hope for this, this will allow for some crazy stuff