If you love games 🎮, and you also love jam 🥫, then you are guaranteed to love the GAMEJAM! 🎮🥫
Getting this post up here nice and early - you've got an extra long creation time!
Your theme is... RECOVER.
What could you recover? Priceless artifacts? From a cold? Get creative with your interpretations!
You have until 6pm BST Sunday 1st September - The stream will begin at 7pm that day! See you there!
Please feel free to get in touch if you have questions!
Make sure "Fuze Gamejam 33" is in the description field of your game. You can write instructions and game info in the comments at the top of the code, but please make sure the actual description says "Fuze Gamejam 33".Share your program via "Program Options" -> Share Program.
Submit your program for download via Share Menu -> "My Shared Programs" -> Select program -> "Submit"
Mine is submitted! Looking forwards to the stream as usua!
NWEF2MNDXR - "Recover your losses" by Isaac
1YWN3MND5U - "ninja" by Waldron
NP123MND9P - "Craftmine" by Evan
KBE73MND5C - "Letter Getter" by Vinicity
N2PL3MNDS3 - "Bitwise Breakout" by Node
NFAR7MNDNZ - "Flotsam" by Valx, Ebrit
N175VMNDXH - "Gunpowder Alex" by AndyG85
NDTVDMNDHB - "Re-cover" by DaddyJDM