Help with arrays and structures I think.
So I'm making a catching game kind of like Pokémon but when ever I get a monster I have it display the name of the monster along with the state of a bool. But the problem is it always displays the same line even if it's another monster. I'm using an array but I'm finding it hard to get to work.Video of problem
If I'm understanding right, it looks like
if c.zr and battleStarted and OrbRNG < 5 and NumMon < 3 and EnemyMonsters[0].id == 0 then
will always be true, therefore always changing battleStarted to false and so the next two ifs don't get read.
I'm guessing you have a variable that stores which enemy you've come across? In which case perhaps your ifs should look like this:if c.zr and battleStarted and OrbRNG < 5 and NumMon < 3 and EnemyMonsters[0].id == enemyEncountered then
Thanks a bunch I'll give it a try!
@kat hi sorry I'm having some trouble understanding how I would set up the enemy encounter variable
@poof92 apologies, I meant enemyEncountered to be a placeholder for a variable I'm guessing you have already. Do you have one which picks the enemy you encounter? For example in the video you shared it picks the Whisp.
@kat yes I think I do, I have a variable called R which is equal to random to randomly pick a monster
It works thanks so much for the help
@poof92 Great! You're welcome :) Glad I could help!