Aphorism Generator in FUZE4
I originally constructed the idea in 1993... on a 386.. had a whopping 40mb hard drive and DOS 6.22 with Win 3.1. I primarily only used dos however until 98 SE.
My first attempt was without the use of the internet and I simply had nothing else to do being winter and I couldn't go swimming which is my activity of choice in the summer time. It was work and programming.. that was it. My program once came up with "Nixon creates the speed limit and scandal" and each word was coming from a different array... I had proper names and everything.. happily hand-coded. That combination was very gratifying and funny ... I should have taken a polaroid of it .. now I'm showing my age. To be honest, as I have stated earlier I always use that program to test out newer languages and even though I had the power to copy and paste later on.. I never really did. I feel that I'd rather choose my own words myself in most cases .. especially in life. :) -
https://knight2remember.com/NES-SWITCH/APHORISM GEN 1.0.mp4
This is the first version output. Just friend me and look at the code, I started with 5 variables in each array to begin with... modify this as you like. I will be next working on different sentence structures, and then on to more words for each array.. this is only the beginning to a very modifiable program idea.. and it's great for a rainy day.
Life got ahead of me a bit.. I will now be working on multiple sentence structures and more words... my end point idea is to finally include the ability for the user to input their own words like Mad-Libs and then watch the random fun begin and maybe even score points if the sentences include their words.. I will be working on a base of 3 different structures for 2.0.... then 2.1 will be more words included.. and later.. 3.0 will have user input and scoring just for fun.
I am going to have to start again on this as I had downloaded my own program to my main Switch account.. and I even saved it as default and all.. but when I deleted the Allie account because I've changed the name of my name account TO Allie.. I realized as I went back INTO Fuze that my project was GONE.. SO.. If you download someone else's project.. even if it's your own on a different user account.. and then that account gets deleted.. then the program you downloaded WILL ALSO be deleted even if you save it again yourself :(
Well time to get restarted on this.. I will be going ahead and updating the engine AS I rebuild it to include the different sentence structures as initially planned and also update the number of words in each set of arrays. More to come. I will be RE-POSTING my FRIEND CODE because the one I posted is no longer available.
It's really cool that you have the same program idea since 1993, and keep re-doing it in different languages-- it's kind of a meta concept, I've never thought of doing something like that!
it's not so much of a serious as heck program as it is a formulaic idea that serves as a way to see how a new language handles arrays and choices... it's easy enough to figure out how to set up in most languages and shows the programmer a good introduction to some primary functions of each language.
I have finally recoded the first version for Aphorism Generator 1.0.
This one has just 1 sentence structure and 5 words for each word type.
I had to get the basic engine fleshed out first and NOW I will be building different sentence structures
and many more words for will actually allow user input once I figure it out, and possibly scoring for if your words are used!
I would love to share this and I have opened it for sharing.. have fun and go mad! Just remember to change the variable counts when you do add more words
and such so that they are included in the sentences or you wont see them appear.MY SWITCH FRIEND CODE
SW-5703-4990-8796 -
I am now going to finish watching the new tutorials!! What a blast!
Okay.. I am ready to get back to the program... I had a lot of fun watching the screen tutorial and I plan to have some random graphics fun in my next project, but I need to get the Aphorism Generator where it really needs to BE... something pretty fun for a rainy day... so next I will be adding plenty more words, AND a higher sentence structure count to boot. STAY TUNED LOVIES!!
Version 1.1 has 25 words each for MOST word types, as well as NEW word types AND 3 DIFFERENT sentence structures.. ALMOST DONE....
Okay. Version 1.1 is done with 25 words (mostly) for each word type and now 3 different sentence structures!
This thing is hilarious, it's like "Madlibs"-- I used to do those all the time as a kid! One thing though, I noticed the output was getting cut off in handheld mode, not sure if you've tried it there.
Oh really? ok no I have not.. I need to check handheld mode now and see.. one of the sentence structures is longer and that may very well be so... thank you. Please send a friend request my way and you can play with this yourself!!
@Ancientspark Cool! I wrote a program once that used Markov chains to mash up text from books I downloaded from Project Gutenberg. At one point it spat out "Tarzan leapt over the chair and fired his raygun" and I felt pleased. It certainly spat out a lot of grammatically correct nonsense though.
@Ancientspark Yikes. Thanks for letting us know about it.
Yikes? did I startle you?
@Ancientspark That was me discovering that "replying" on the forum replies to the whole thread rather than the specific post. I was referring to the data loss problem you had when I said "yikes," and yes, that one strikes fear into my heart ;)
Ohhh yeah.. I'm recovered from that now.. thankfully I had not gone TOO far with it at that point. I also made some positive changes in my code to affect future versions so all is well! :)