Aphorism Generator in FUZE4
I am now going to finish watching the new tutorials!! What a blast!
Okay.. I am ready to get back to the program... I had a lot of fun watching the screen tutorial and I plan to have some random graphics fun in my next project, but I need to get the Aphorism Generator where it really needs to BE... something pretty fun for a rainy day... so next I will be adding plenty more words, AND a higher sentence structure count to boot. STAY TUNED LOVIES!!
Version 1.1 has 25 words each for MOST word types, as well as NEW word types AND 3 DIFFERENT sentence structures.. ALMOST DONE....
Okay. Version 1.1 is done with 25 words (mostly) for each word type and now 3 different sentence structures!
This thing is hilarious, it's like "Madlibs"-- I used to do those all the time as a kid! One thing though, I noticed the output was getting cut off in handheld mode, not sure if you've tried it there.
Oh really? ok no I have not.. I need to check handheld mode now and see.. one of the sentence structures is longer and that may very well be so... thank you. Please send a friend request my way and you can play with this yourself!!
@Ancientspark Cool! I wrote a program once that used Markov chains to mash up text from books I downloaded from Project Gutenberg. At one point it spat out "Tarzan leapt over the chair and fired his raygun" and I felt pleased. It certainly spat out a lot of grammatically correct nonsense though.
@Ancientspark Yikes. Thanks for letting us know about it.
Yikes? did I startle you?
@Ancientspark That was me discovering that "replying" on the forum replies to the whole thread rather than the specific post. I was referring to the data loss problem you had when I said "yikes," and yes, that one strikes fear into my heart ;)
Ohhh yeah.. I'm recovered from that now.. thankfully I had not gone TOO far with it at that point. I also made some positive changes in my code to affect future versions so all is well! :)