3D Cube vector {1,1,1} does not point to coordinates {1,1,1}?
If I draw cubes with the size-vector of {1,1,1} and put them in a distance of 2: first cube at 0,0,0 second at 2,0,0 and 3rd at 4,0,0, they are drawn as one long rectangle (graphic object below), not showing any space of 1m between them.
If I take a cube size of {0.5, 0.5, 0.5} they spaces are shown (graphic objects on top).looks like x-axis distance of 1 is equal to a cube size of 0.5.
Is that a bug? (example is shared)
Please understand, this absolutely no problem. I just try to find out how everything works, and its fun to discover stuff.
@spikey No problem. We need to get your feedback in order to make Fuze better. I will investigate this one