Split screen?
Holy christ my game can have multiplayer now thank you haha
Zypher is happy lol
@LinkCraft02 hey man do your 3d objects unload when the origin of the objects are behind the camera? Try the demo for 3d objects camera movement that you find in the help menu, and you'll see that the floor can unload if you look at it while the box in the air is behind you. This screws me up so bad and idk how to fix it.
Yes they disappear and it ruined my game
Can't you make the origin the last part of the object to go offscreen?
@Maxwello yeah. When it does the whole object disappears. I cant find a fix.
You've just confirmed a bug! The objects should unload when the entire object goes off screen, not the origin. I'll report this now and this will be fixed!
Resurrecting an old thread: is it possible to have separate sprite cameras per player?
The help for "setSpriteCamera() implies that it's possible by stating that this function moves the camera position "for all sprites", but it doesn't take a sprite as an argument: https://fuzearena.com/help/view/setSpriteCamera
I'm wondering if there is an undocumented way to use this. Thanks in advance!
So sprite camera goes off of x and y positions so all you need to do is setspritecamera(player.x, player.y) for all the different sprites you want cameras on. I use this in Missiles dogfight.
@LinkCraft Thanks for the quick reply! I'm not 100% sure I follow, but I think it'll make sense if I tinker with it based on what you just said.
@LinkCraft I got it, your explanation got me unstuck! I'm now able to dynamically draw up to four separate buffers, and render them to the backbuffer in the correct locations.
If there is one player, the view takes up the whole screen; two players and they each get half; three players, third person gets part of the bottom (centered); fourth person, everyone gets a quarter of the screen.
And the camera follows each player independently! Like you said, you just call "setSpriteCamera()" when rendering each player's buffer.
I probably could have explained it better but I’m glad you got it.
@LinkCraft You did enough :) Now I'm messing with my good ole friends "sin" and "cos", trying to get player movement to work after I invoke "setSpriteCameraRotation"... but that can be another post some other day, if I can't figure it out.
I originally wanted to use a mix of 2D and 3D for this, with polygonal walls and sprite actors-- but I gave up at the matrix math "convert 3D to 2D coordinates part".
Enough rambling :D