Additional Forum Categories...
Any chance we could get an off topic forum area? With the knowledge this community holds on electronics, it would be nice to ask questions about other things beyond FUZE.
I'm currently troubleshooting a External HDD issue that baffles me but, my fix so far is daisy chaining and switching the usb to a powershared slot on my laptop.
I've been to multiple websites, some are forums, whilst looking for solutions to issues, and I feel that this could be an easy promotion for your own product considering Google Analytics...
It would also inspire community growth, and most companies are fighting for user engagement... where FUZE itself feels quite the opposite. If I have nothing to share about FUZE, then, I'm kinda pushed away from even speaking to the community. Basically, if I have nothing to share about FUZE, then... why bother be on the website?
If you really want to remove this post you can, I will just continue to post when I feel there is something worth talking about that's FUZE related. I do have certain issues with the program as it stands, and I feel it's more of a misunderstanding to how everything functions. Mostly with how to spawn multiple 3d cubes as enemies, rather than loading models, through loop functions... loops are still kinda confusing to me, and once I get a better grasp of it, I will have the ability to finish off several other games I have put together... I have created my own 3D model editor, but, seems rather counter intuitive to create 15+ of the same model to run a simple program, also considering in order to use these models, i.e. moving, it seems every value must use a global variable (which I can verify with a box function i made for my 3D editor...). These are my FUZE issues... but, sometimes... I'd like to share a video like this to make the geeks smile...
So... Don't stop me now...
This has been raised before. I think that the feeling was that there are lots of places for non-Fuze related stuff and that we would try to keep the forum more focused. Cool video though!