@sys64738 Tested it now - excellent work! The randomizer feature was great fun! Is it possible to change or randomize the waveform for the main note sound?
@Nisse5 thank you. You have spotted a bug, it was randomizing the mod wave type twice instead of doing the note source and the modulator, fixed and reshared as v1.11
explains why I was not getting a good stranger things sound with no saw!
Tried stop channel. Still clicks when a note plays before the last one is finished.
Sequencer is playing up again and not playing back correctly. Was hoping the patch for fuze with the fixed timers would drop soon. I will have to fix it in the mean time.
V1.11 known bug. sequencer playback issues.
Wow very nice I’d like to add your friend code so I can see how this works.
My friend code: SW-8581-8532-8511
senas8 -
@sys64738 when I was looking into sound, I just remembered this extraordinary Synthesizer project. It would be lovely to see more of your project and enjoy some demo spirit.
I am back from the real world of synths, after a year of studying more synthesis. I have submitted this project to the new share feature in Fuze. There is still a bug with the sequencer. I'll fix it if I can if not maybe someone else can.
Awesome! Great to have you back
Really great news! Looking forward to trying out the synthesizer!
@pianofire Thanks guys, break must have improved my brain. Fixed the sequencer bug, improved the step sequencer. Now v1.2 I assume the shared version will always be latest or do I have to re-submit it? Do I post the ID now or wait until it stops saying pending (new to the sharing feature)
@sys64738 The ID will stay the same unless you unshare it. The program will be unavailable for download until it has been approved.
OK it is approved
Thanks Pianofire. The Code is N9FSENNDNR
I downloaded it and it looks amazing!
However, there seems to be an issue with the touch input?
When holding down a key, it seems to register multiple inputs very quickly?
Also, pressing A more than once seems to mess up the sequencer timing?
@vinicity thanks, there is no ADSR envelopes in Fuze, I believe they are still working on it, so there is no sustain, you can change the length of the basic envelope. I have been fiddling with the touch sensitivity trying to get it to a happy medium of not delaying to much or not rapid fire 60hz repeats when you touch.
I'm am not sure if Fuze has indepth enough touch API to do this better. Yes pressing play sequencer while the sequencer is playing will mess it up. It also occasionally crashes if you press randomize while sequencer is running, and the BPM isn't scaled correctly.
It seems the touch ribbon and the leftmost key overlaps...
@vinicity maybe by a few pixels? That's easily adjusted, I didn't notice an issue when playing it.
In that case, would you ever want to trigger more than once? I think a good solution would be to trigger only when the len(touch()) changes from 0 to 1?.
Here is a video showing the synth functions and interacting with real instruments and effects.
What a great video! Love it!
Have you seen the program that @spikey made?
It is also an interesting approach, and it allows for saving sound patches between sessions...
Wow this is great. Gave it a quick go last night and after seeing your great video I'll be trying again tonight. Well done.