Whale3ree V1.0
Really nice update! Love the animated logo screen!
Some comments:
The game is a bit too hard? Or maybe I am just bad at playing it? I have only seen the second type of ships once.
The collision when crashing into the ships seems a bit loose? Sometimes they are destroyed and sometimes it feels like I'm just passing through them?
When you get a game over, it would be nice to know why you died. It is all a bit abrupt, and often I am not sure if I ran out of oxygen or if the damage hit 100%.Other than that, I think it is a very good game. I definitely need to practice more, though...
The graphics are really nice, and the idea feels very original. Well done! -
Very interesting game. I played it this afternoon for a while and got quite far - some way into the missile ships.
It takes some getting used to for sure. I think perhaps the oxygen might run out a little too fast - you can barely go to the bottom of the sea and come back up without dying. Actually, another way to address this and perhaps an even better way is to allow the turning to tighten up a bit when the player is deep in the water. The turning circle feels a little too large perhaps, especially when diving deep and thinking of your next move.
It's difficult to say - such a unique little game. That's my 2 cents anyway!
Graphics are wonderful, and it is indeed very original and creative. Congratulations :)
@Dave Thanks for your feedback! I think my problem is when you make a game. You get so used to playing it that you forget what it would be like for a new player and all round playability. I will take it on board and perhaps tweak a few things!
@vinicity Thanks for the feedback. Definitely rough around the edges! When work is quieter I will look at giving the whole thing a polish. With the Oxygen bar I think I will change the look/screen position and mechanics of it. I remember when I initially designed it, I was struggling to get a rectangle to shrink in the desired way. So just did a shrinking circle which is hard to read for the player. Totally agree it needs clear messaging regarding how you died etc. Motivated to improve the overall playability of the game!
Whale3ree V1.1 (UPDATE)
I have included the following features:
Increased Oxygen Timer to reduce difficulty.
Increased turning speed of Whale.
Added death screen with information on cause of death.
Added Health bar and Oxygen bar to more easily tell the player the state of the Whale.
Increased size of hitboxes.
*Fixed the odd bug...
KNOIWN ISSUES. Hitboxes are good in handheld and plays much better in handheld mode. Hitboxes too large in docked mode so there is a scaling issue I need to address.
Download code when approved:NX2TL3QDXM
Wow. Such an artistic end screen - really impactful!
The bars are a huge improvement and the turning and controls feel much nicer, well done. This is shaping up to be a pretty pro looking little game, and it's super original and cool too. Also thought provoking. Love it.
Some more thoughts:
I think the collision on the ship destroy might be a little too forgiving now - I managed to break ships by just brushing past them at the surface and this didn't feel quite right. Even though the hitboxes were a little too tight before, getting a hit had more impact because of it. However, I think the pendulum has swung too far in the opposite direciton now so to speak. Perhaps just a restriction to check that you are infact in a "jumping out of the water" state would do the trick.
Second, it makes sense that destroying ships damages health, and I do like that mechanic, but I think it might be a little too much initially. Being able to chain together 2 or 3 ships in one jump used to feel really great to pull off, but now you're kind of disuaded against that because it hurts too much, leaving you very vulnerable and unable to really destroy more ships - you kind of end up waiting for a long time to get squid in order to feel healthy enough to confidently attack again.
In short, I think the ships should probably do a little less damage to health - especially the introduction ones, since there aren't lots of squid around at the early stage. Either that, or add more squid perhaps!
Again just my 2 cents. Don't feel you should have to change anything if you want to be finished with it though! It's a fantastic project and I look forward to when it inevitably features in the High Score weekly challenge :)
@Dave Thanks for the feedback. You are going above and beyond with your suggestions etc. I totally agree that it is satisfying to combo ships. I am punishing the player for having fun! I will look into the damage system and the hit boxes. I think a second argument will go a long way to fixing this issue. I am glad you like my death screen. I think your music really inspires my art direction. I had chosen the song before drawing it!
Maybe add a proper combo system to it? The more ships destroyed in one swoop, the more points you earn?
@nintisonfire That is so very cool to hear :) I'm really glad you dig the vibes!
The animated Game Over screen is excellent! I love it!
Also, the game plays much better now, with regards to hit boxes and damage taken. Everything is much clearer as well with the new meters, and the controls feel tighter.
Just a thought, if you do not want to have different hit boxes for docked and undocked, maybe just force the resolution to 1280x720 in both modes? Just add a setMode(1280, 720) at the start...
@vinicity Thanks for your kind words I think I will just end up doing this. I don't think 1080p is the defining feature of my game. ;)
Whale3ree V1.2 (UPDATE)
I have adjusted the following features:
Can only destroy ships when leaping out of the water.
Adjusted damage boats cause you based on boat type.
Limited how much damage harpoons deal you as difficulty increases.
Fixed the odd bug...
Download Code: 9X8Q3MNDXM
@nintisonfire had a go on this the other day pretty cool game, the scaling when you jump out of the ocean is epic :)
@nintisonfire said in Whale3ree V1.0:
Whale3ree V1.2 (UPDATE)
I have adjusted the following features:
Can only destroy ships when leaping out of the water.
Adjusted damage boats cause you based on boat type.
Limited how much damage harpoons deal you as difficulty increases.
Fixed the odd bug...
Download Code: 9X8Q3MNDXM
Does it work properly both in docked and undocked mode now? No issues with the hitboxes?
@vinicity It works fine now in both docked and undocked.
Awesome artwork and fun game, @nintisonfire!