pre-competition discussion
Multiplayer! Yes that should be a category.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a productivity category? Something not a game or music related. For example a calculator app (but not as simple as that of course).
Code golf :smile:
@MikeDX count me in into the no images category, my fully text game is coming.
Suggestions for categories:
- The best Dekstop Envirnoment
- The best fully original game
- The best non-game program
- Best original artwork in a program/game
- Best use of the switch's capabilityes
- Best switch lite's compatibility
- Best joycon usage
Best game in 100 lines of code (accessible to enter and easy to share?)
Well unless we have a "worst code ever created" or "dumbest fuze user award" there's no point me entering. Perhaps I can volunteer to be a judge. haha
as for ideas:
Best 8 bit game clone
Most original game idea
Best 4 player game
(and jacobmph's 100 line idea is very good! takes me back to the old 1k type-ins of the early 80's) -
@SteveZX81 said in pre-competition discussion:
Well unless we have a "worst code ever created" or "dumbest fuze user award" there's no point me entering.
Not even sure I want to be hearing that kind of talk Steve :) We have been doing this a long time and it's not usually about worst / best code (I certainly haven't judged based upon coding standards! - this isn't the IOCC!) and definitely not into investigating how intelligent a person is!
You will enter, and you will enjoy it! That's the rules :D
demo scene or music demo sounds like something I could participate in.
as far as bad code goes, there is always someone that can make your 60 lines into 4 lines, and then someone else will make their 4 lines into 1 line. When I've sold software the employers couldn't care less as long as it does what it is suppose to do.
First time I released code publicly for something, I knew I was I bad at programming, so I did the whole thing like this, people messaged and me and said that was the best code they'd ever read!
If zombielove == true then
jealouszombiefriendshealth = 1
zombiebabies = 7
franksname = "steve"
endiffor pickled = jealouszombiefriendshealth to zombiebabies loop
if brains[pickled] == zombiebabies then
superzombie = zombielove
print ("Employee ",franksname," has ",zombiebabies," sickdays remaining and eligibility for sick leave is ",superzombie")
endif -
I personally would love to see some demoscene programs. I spend hours upon hours on my Amiga looking at them.
@Martin They we're very cool, but I believe they generally revolved around hard core assembler skills. The BASIC coding scene was capturing something slightly different IMO. Sharing code and learning by typing in each others' listings.
Sure, but they were assembler basically because they had to be to get that out of the machines of the time. There's no reason you shouldn't be able to create similar things in Fuze
Just a quick update - I am working on a comp that should see the light of day in few weeks. Just letting you know this has not been forgotten.
oh oh! can I volunteer to be a judge? (that way I get to play all the games.. haha!)
@SteveZX81 Not going to enter yourself then?
lol good joke! (I am very excited by the idea of a competition though, I cannot wait to see the 'theme' and what amazing games people create!)
Suggestion, what if our winner has their game distributed as part of an upcoming Fuze release?
As long as there are no potential copyright issues to consider then this is very, very likely indeed!
@Tratax said in pre-competition discussion:
Suggestion, what if our winner has their game distributed as part of an upcoming Fuze release?
My suggestions:
Best helpers: Functions/Code that you can copy to your own projects to simplify things (like random terrain/map generation, an inventory system, an Exp systemBest external projects/helpers: something like emulating keyboard inputs via Raspberry Pi etc.
But I guess my second suggestion would result in a very small amount of entries :0)
Can't wait to see the first competition(s)!