line() with int vectors will crash FUZE
Using the line() function when the vectors are of int type will crash FUZE. Float vectors works.
Hi @Nisse5, I'm unable to reproduce your issue after trying a couple different methods. Could you post some example code that demonstrates the problem?
@Willpowered Ouch, I thought it was so easy to reproduce that I didn't save my source code. Will try to recreate it somehow.
Sounds good, and thanks.
I tested with the following code, doing my best to force the values to be integers:
int x1 = 0 int y1 = 0 int x2 = 100 int y2 = 100 p1 = {int(0), int(0)} p2 = {int(100), int(100)} vector pt1 = {0, 0} vector pt2 = {100, 100} loop clear() line({x1, y1}, {x2, y2}, {1, 1, 1, 1}) line(p1, p2, {1, 1, 1, 1}) line(pt1, pt2, {1, 1, 1, 1}) update() repeat
It all runs successfully, so maybe this is a symptom of another bug? If you're able to reproduce it let me know!