Where does print() print to?
There is a good debug function here: https://fuzearena.com/forum/topic/123/debugger-support/4
I think "Unrecognised type" is when Fuze cannot convert your data into the string type needed by the print() function. I've encountered this when trying to print out a file handle (see "File Handling" commands in Fuze Help). It crashes the program.
I have just had a look and type 4 seems to be a void (or nil pointer) which basically means an undefined or unassigned value
Using print() has never printed anything to my screen!
I’ve just been making all my variables global and drawtext() ing them right at the end before my update(), otherwise it seems they just got covered up. In 2d, you could do the same with print(), probably, but it might be smarter to write a debug() function with a list that you just add whatever you want to that all gets printed out right at the end..
@Jack_Blue On it's own it doesn't:
try the following:
loop clear() print("Hello World") update() repeat
clear() - clears the frame buffer
print() - prints a message to the framebuffer
update() - outputs the framebuffer to the screen every 1/60 th of a second
What if I want to do this:
loop clear() for i = 0 to 100 loop print(i) repeat update() repeat
Not all of this will be able to fit on the screen at once!
So you can use printat(x,y, value) to print at a particular screen location:
loop clear() for i = 0 to 100 loop printat( i % 10 * 5, int ( i / 10), i) repeat update() repeat
@Jack_Blue pycharm is good so print does the same like in Python but its more like the print from python 3 and you have to use update()
To update your screen.