A simple esolang interpreter
This is insanely cool! You made a working computer language within Fuze! Super impressed!
@JMM161437 thanks! :D
@vinicity Thanks! Always wanted to try making an interpreter.
Esoteric indeed!
I've never heard of Esolang nor seen anything like it but it kinda reminds me of assembly the way to describe the functions of each instruction . Which makes me even more excited!
@JMM161437 Very happy that you're excited! I'm looking forward to see what you'll do with this esolang.
@LucasJG25 I just tried to download it and nothing... is it still pending?
@JMM161437 I think it was approved but has been updated so is awaiting approval again
@JMM161437 Sorry about that. I had to make a last minute fix.
@JMM161437 It's live now
Thanks I'll definitely check it out!
So it's a bit of a learning curve for me but wow is it amazing... Sorry if I seemed over excited just a fan of programming in a new way!
@JMM161437 That's ok :D. Glad you like it.
Ok so. I've ported this esolang to windows via C. And I made a bit of changes to the language.
The instructions are the same. But it's how you write the code.
The code above uses the ':' to separate each line of code.
I 0 : i : L 255 : P : C 0 : J 0 : j 0On the windows port I removed the ':' so now you have.
I0 i L255 P C0 J0 j0If Y'all prefer the second syntax I can make changes to the code to accept this syntax instead of the first.
Hmm, how do I do subtraction and comparisons with ">" or "<"?
@vinicity You subtract by adding 255 to the said number. Example: (I 5 : A 255) This makes Acc become 4. Since Acc when it has reached the highest amount of bits within the range of 0x00 to 0xFF. resets itself to 0.
Comparisons are done using the C instruction. So the capital C compares an immediate value with Acc. There are no negative numbers in this VM. So if you are for example at 0 and want to loop until you reach 5. You'll need to store the amount of loops in RAM or in register X and then compare if that number has reached 0, since you will be subtracting RAM/ register X after each loop.
Thought I'd try writing a BrainF interpreter in my esolang. Wrote this on the windows version. It should work for the FUZE4 version as it's the same VM and same code.
;Register X => Stack Pointer
;RAM[253] => Program Counter
;RAM[252] => Scanner Pointer
;RAM[251] => Internal RAM for BrainF Interpreter
;Setup X register and RAM address 253,252,251 and 250
I49 U I50 S253 S252 I150 S251 I149 S250 C0 j210(20)
;if token is 60 = '<'
L251 C150 J197 A255 S251 C0 j197(40)
;if token is 62 = '>'
L251 C249 J197 A1 S251 C0 j197(60)
;if token is 44 = ','
I0 i L254 C0 J60 s251 C0 j197(80)
;if token is 46 = '.'
l251 P C0 J197 j197(90)
;if token is 43 = '+'
l251 A1 s251 C0 j197(100)
;if token is 45 = '-'
l251 C0 J197 A255 s251 C0 j197(120)
;if token is 91 = '['
L253 u G A255 U C0 j197(140)
;if token is 93 = ']'
G A1 U l251 C0 J197 g S253 C0 j120(180)
;Scan the tokens <>,.[]+- line 88
l253 C60 J20 C62 J40 C44 J60 C46 J80 C43 J90 C45 J100 C91 J120 C93 J140
L253 C150 J225 A1 S253 C0 j180(210)
;Get keyboard input and execute code when ENTER is pressed line 112
I0 i L254 C0 J210 P C10 J180 s252 L252 A1 S252 C0 j210(225) ;Reset Program Counter and erase old data from scanner
I50 S253 I0 s252 L252 A255 S252 C50 j225 I10 P J210 -
the most I could make was a simple calculator for addition o.o
@JMM161437 interesting. Would love to see your code for that! Also the BrainF interpreter code above is very buggy. This is mostly how it would be if you were to build a compiler/interpreter in Assembly. There's a lot more at play here than learning the language.
well I never saved it but once I reprogram it i'll definitely share and wow I'll still check it out buggy or not... also kinda confused a little... how do i get back to editing code?...i may have missed something XD but I love this little language, I have work very little with assembly(ARM/Raspberry pi) and the most I made was a square bounce aroung the screen lol