EXP = Level And Exp Needed
Can anyone help me I’m stumped, my friend made this formula. I need help making this in Fuze And I need the EXP And Skill Level in a array or structure so I can make more skills after.
// Formula
L is starting amount of xp required for lvl 1
C is a constant you pick.
For example if C is 1.2, the next level will reuire 20% more xp than the last.
X is the current level
Y is the amount required for the next level -
I assume you need
in this case:Y = L * pow(C, X)
Y = L * (C) pow (X)
I’m trying to write the formula in Fuze
L*(C)X != L(C)^(X)
Go to wolfram alpha and type in
And in a different tab
They will not be the same. -
Y=100 * 1.2^x
Y=100 * 1.2*x
*** correctionI have no idea why it was auto correcting my formula sorry for any confusion
Y = 100 * pow(1.2, x)
Y = 100 * 1.2 * x
If you need
you can write it aspow(2.71828, x)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E_(mathematical_constant) -
Lol is there a way I can delete this post lol I’ve figured it out or should I just post my solution for others to use
Post your solution for others would be the correct way
Ok sounds good
So This is the solution I’ve came to in Fuze.
SkillEXP = 0 SkillLevel = 0 // (X) Level1EXP = 50 // (L) Constant = 1.2 // (C) AmountNextLevel = 0 // (Y) // Formula // Y = L * (C) ^ (X) Loop AmountNextLevel = Level * pow( SkillLevel, Constant ) // joy = controls ( 0 ) If joy.a then SkillEXP += .05 endif If joy.a then SkillEXP += .1 endif If joy.a then SkillEXP += 1 endif // If SkillEXP >= AmountNextLevel then SkillLevel += 1 endif // PrintAt( 0, 0, “Skill Level - ”, SkillLevel ) PrintAt( 0, 1, “Current EXP - ”, int(SkillEXP) ) PrintAt( 0, 2, “EXP Needed - ”, int(AmountNextLevel) - int(SkillEXP) ) PrintAt( 0, 3, “Amount To Next Level - “, int(AmountNextLevel) ) PrintAt( 0, 25, int(AmountNextLevel), “ = “, Level1EXP, “ * (“, Constant, “) ^ (“, SkillLevel, “)” )
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