Fuze not working
Well it obviously shouldn't do that. The Map editor (and the image editor) are linked to the current project so can you try opening it with a different project. It sounds like the data has become corrupted some how. Have you already created a map for this project?
@pianofire yes I was working on a map for my game and IDK why but it won't even go to the map to delete it
@AtomAlexander I will take a look. Can you share the program with me please (My friend code is SW-5218-2817-5887)
I have had fuze close on me multiple times in a row and I have found that if you restart your switch it will fix the problem
@LinkCraft02 It would be nice to find out why and stop it from happening!
It happens when I go into media
But not every time of course
This only happens when I go to the map editor and only when I try to work on 2 out of my 3 maps the other won't crash the game and I can edit fine
@AtomAlexander OK I have the program and I can reproduce the problem. We will investigate!
@AtomAlexander I have raised an issue for this
@AtomAlexander I have raised an issue in our bug tracking system for someone in the office to look into it