@ITzTravelInTime You will need a structure to store the mobs and npcs in memory with the properties you'll need. You could define a structure type and use it for everything, even if you don't end up using some of those properties, so something like:
struct actors_type
int state
int type
float xpos
float ypos
string name
array stats
array inventory
array moves
You could even declare things like the moves array to be a struct in itself, for example:
struct moves_type
string name
float physDmg
float magDmg
float mpCost
float accuracy
Then, the "moves" property in your actors structure would be this predefined structure:
struct actors_type
int state
int type
float xpos
float ypos
string name
array stats
array inventory
moves_type moves // <----- declaring the array struct using the moves_type keyword now means this property itself has the properties of our moves_type struct
You could then do:
actors_type enemies[10]
And you could set the moves for them with something like:
enemies[0].moves[0].name = "Slash"
enemies[0].moves[0].physDmg = 80.00
Let me know if there's anything I've said here which needs further explanation!