Colour Picker in the image editor...
Everytime you pick a colour from a static colour it adds 1 to the RGB, this will start making the colours look slightly off...
So lets say your colour RGB is 0 0 0
if you pick it, it will be 1 1 1
If you place it and pick it again
it will be 2 2 2and so on and so forth...
It only adds 1 to the picked colour and it doesnt seem to have any kinda of stacking besides you placing it and repicking it...
seems the size of the brush doesnt matter...I dont know why it adds one to every value but I do know it is associated with the picking of a colour.
Using the Pro Controller, if that matters...
I would imagine it's due to rounding as this is a thing ...
It would seem like extra work to me to write out a script that performs off the sRGB to write a script that renders all the sRGB to Fuze's Linear RGB...
but hey, thats just a theory....
A CODE THEORY!In which case, if they removed the rounding, which, shouldnt be in that instance, it should fix it...
but again, who really knows?I tried it on different shades of white, and, those never came back as +1 so... your 245 245 245, 237 237 237... will remain that...
It should just gather the information stored and insert it, exiting the colour picker and re-entering it, will have the same values, but once you pick it, thats when it changes... so, its the action of picking a colour and whatever boolean or trigger holds the answer...Hope this helps fix the issue regardless... I just want to draw some sprites and my ocd points out every single red dot that is not melting with the rest of the red dots...
I would then have concerns with full box selection copies, would they hold the exact information i had inserted or would grabbing them initiate the colour picking code that would then add 1 to every single colour in the selection?I had this issue before, and couldnt really pinpoint the problem, but.... there ya go, a fully reproducible bug...
Can we get this fixed in the next patch please? it's bad enough as it is but when there's no fill and having to go over the colours again and again until they match. Come on... please.
A fix for this is included with the next patch, which is on its way sooner rather than later.
In the meantime, as a partial workaround: When you pick a color to use in your image, draw a pixel in some unused tile. Then when you need that color again, select it from that pixel. It still won't be exactly what the color picker said it was when you chose it, but if you do this every time then it will be off by the same amount every time and the same color will be used throughout your image as you draw.
Thank you Will and sorry for being a moaning old boot.