New to Fuse4-want a Faery Tale Adventure like game
Very Nice Indeed!
wow just isn't good enough! woah!! superb!
@pianofire thank you. First Fuze program. There seems to be a ton of Map world space to walk around in - maybe not 17,000 screens like the original Faery Tale Adventure game - but every Saturday when I work on it, it looks more and more doable using the pre-made media available in Fuze.
@tdg8934 im still to find the limit using the map editor and iv done some pretty long tests, if you feel like you need more space you can always load into another map
That looks really great!
I haven't really explored sound or music files in Fuze yet. Does anyone know if I can import somehow WAV files to play in the Fuze game?. I found all or most of the Faery Tale Adventure game music in WAV format.
Not currently. There are some music/sound assets in the media library. Otherwise you will have to use the playNote function:
@tdg8934 I have music code in my game "Skatey-Cat", which lets you play arrays'-worth of notes. You can compose the music on a PC, then transcribe it into the proper array format. If you're musically-inclined, you could replicate the Faery Tale Adventure melodies.
Go all the way to the bottom to my main game loop, and you'll see the entry point for the audio code. Game share code: FYD63MND1P
You know how Amiga music has a very distinctive, iconic sound, as do most older game platforms? For me, I like having custom music in my Fuze games, for the same reason-- the "playNote"-based waveforms are the "Fuze" sound, in my mind. I even do my sound effects that way. Maybe you'll feel the same way?
@Spacemario thank you for sharing your game. Did you use a conversion program in windows to get the notes and other related information? My music is in wav format
@tdg8934 No prob! And I composed my tunes from scratch using this tool. Once I got a given song the way I wanted it, I'd just sit with my Switch in front of my PC, and manually transcribe the notes into my array.
You might be able to find the sheet music for The Faery Tale Adventure songs online somewhere. Or if you're good with classical music theory, transcribe them by ear... that overworld song is especially great!
@Spacemario I’m an engineer and don’t have much music experience. However I was able to strip out all of the graphics and game information so all that is left is the audio and music player code. I saw that I could change the main menu music to 1 of 8 melodies. I’ll take a look at your link tomorrow and hopefully download it and convert the faery tale adventure Wav into the note information needed by your play music function.
@tdg8934 Awesome, sounds like a good plan! One more caveat I forgot to mention: right now, that music code only supports two channels-- you can either do two instruments, or one instrument and one whitenoise.
For a new project I've just started, I expanded support to three channels-- you could do even more. I think the Amiga's sound chip was four channels-- correct me if I'm wrong.
@Spacemario How do I use this tool to import either MP3 or WAV files. I started it up under IE and it did not work then I went to Chrome and I could play other sequences but can't figure out how to import my audio file. I also posted on their forum. I tried to drag/drop the file into the online sequencer and it did nothing when trying to play. I also tried to import it as a MIDI file and no luck there either.
@tdg8934 I don't think that tool has any even remote concept of how to process digital files like .wav or .mp3-- I used it exclusively to make my own tunes from scratch, by just clicking on the little boxes and constructing a melody that way. I didn't even try importing some other file.
I did think that site supported dragging of MIDI files though...? I'm surprised that doesn't work! I know it can export MIDI.
@Spacemario I was able to find an online converter program that converted my MP3 to a MIDI file
It probably has the wrong instrument but the notes seem to be in place. Now how to I use what I see in the tool you use to use with the *.mid file I created with the FUZE music part of your program.
I can send you the MP3 and/or MID file if there is a way to do that on this forum.
@tdg8934 Now comes the boring part: scroll to the beginning of your song on the web site, and start transcribing the notes into an array. Use one of mine for an example.
By default, each gray box in the grid on the web site is a 1/4 note. You can use the far-left drop-down to change that fact. Now, let's say you click a single box on the "E5" row-- in your array, you'd wind up with:
[ .note = n.e5, .spd = 40, .l = quarter ]
Notice how my music arrays actually have sub-arrays within them. Each sub-array is a channel. Right now, my music code supports two channels. To do a chord, you'd do:
yourMelody = [ [ [ .note = n.e5, .spd = 40, .l = quarter ] ], [ .note = n.c4, .spd = 40, .l = quarter ] [ ]
Let's say you want a 1/2 note pause in one of the channels-- you'd do:
[ .note =, .spd = 40, .l = half ]
Now, that song above looks super complicated, and uses tons of channels! I think you'd need to do some analysis on which channels are carrying the main melody, and consolidate that down to one Fuze channel. Then, do the same for whichever supporting part of the music you want to emphasize, which would be the second Fuze channel.
@Spacemario great information but need a little more clarity on how to read the sequencer website. You stated the each square grid represents a quarter note or quarter rest space. How do I read this, top to bottom of the notes scale or left to right? Note this screen capture happens to fall in 12 to 13 as shown on the top. What is that? How do I know how many channels there are as you said there is a lot? Notice if a green note For example is on B5 and it’s 4 grid sizes long - that would be a whole note then right? How do I set the speed also? Thanks again! I almost have this
@Spacemario ok I think I have it figured out. The channels are listed up/down the note scale as the music plays at 1 to 2 to 3 ... (left to right)
In general, converting mp3 to midi creates a mess of a midi file. There is no way for the converter to single out melodies and harmonies properly.
If possible, try to find your songs as proper midi files instead. That will give you a much better result in the end.