Hints and Tips
upper() and lower() functions for your string purposes!
function upper( strdata ) strlen = len( strdata ) for i = 0 to strlen loop char = chrVal( strdata[ i ] ) newChar = chr( char - 32 ) if ( char >= 97 and char <= 122 ) then strdata = strdata[:i + -strlen -1] + newChar + strdata[i + 1:] endIf repeat return strdata function lower( strdata ) strlen = len( strdata ) for i = 0 to strlen loop char = chrVal( strdata[ i ] ) newChar = chr( char + 32 ) if ( char >= 65 and char <= 90 ) then strdata = strdata[:i + -strlen -1] + newChar + strdata[i + 1:] endIf repeat return strdata
Thanks man! Is there a way to save posts in my favourites? ^^
These should probably be added to the Wish list
@pianofire I honestly didn't feel they would be good there, in my opinion. It's a place to ask, mainly directed at the devs for improvements and additions to FUZE itself. Perhaps this Hints and Tips page isn't really a good place either, but it felt the best of the two. Maybe a page dedicated to user-made code that's beneficial to all?
@Discostew No they are fine here. I meant that the language should probably have these functions built in
@pianofire Oh yes, definitely. These functions have to juggle the creation of strings each time it needs to make a change. Might that cause some out-of-memory issues like what we've been seeing lately?
Out of memory issues need to get fixed and become a non-issue!
Posted this in response to a question elsewhere and @pianofire rightly suggested it be put in hints and tips.
Here is a really handy breakPoint function used by JonBoy in many of his programs. Really useful if you want to stop your program at any point check a value/values:
function breakPoint( info ) press = false while !press loop j = controls(0) if j.x then press = true endif clear() print( "Breakpoint: ", info ) print( "Press X to continue" ) update() repeat sleep( 0.2 ) return void
Simply call the function, pass it what you want to see and Bob is your proverbial uncle.
Hi folks, just to let you know as I don't think this is as apparent as it should be...
You can copy and paste code between projects. When you copy code to the clipboard, the clipboard is kept when you open a new project.
This allows you to "transfer" important sections of code, for example, a whole load of music data, between projects.
If it's images or maps you want to transfer, you can do this from the image and map editor file managers. Press the X button when viewing the thumbnail for an image or map, then select "copy image" or "copy map", then choose the project file to copy to!
I am not sure how useful this is really. I was experimenting with saving variable length data to a file and came up with this:
text = [ "The", "Quick", "Brown", "Fox" ] // Write to file handle=open() entries = len(text) write(handle, padstr(str(entries), 4, " ")) for i = 0 to entries loop write(handle, padstr(str(len(text[i])), 4, " ")) write(handle, text[i]) repeat close(handle) //Read back from file handle = open() entries = int(read(handle, 4)) for i = 0 to entries loop strlen = int(read(handle, 4)) print(read(handle, strlen),"*") repeat update() sleep(3) function padstr(string, padlen, padchar) result = string while len(result) < padlen loop result = result + padchar repeat return result
You can create sprites in code by using setDrawTarget to draw onto an image rather than the screen buffer and then create a sprite from the image
palette = [ black, red, white, grey, blue, yellow, green, deeppink ] shipData = [ 0, 0, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 7, 7, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 7, 7, 7, 7, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 6, 0, 0, 7, 7, 7, 3, 2, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] shipImage = createImage(15, 6, false, image_rgb) setDrawTarget(shipImage) for x = 0 to 15 loop for y = 0 to 6 loop pixel = shipData[ y * 15 + x ] if pixel > 0 then plot(x + 1, y + 1, palette[pixel]) endif repeat repeat update() ship = createSprite() setSpriteImage(ship, shipImage) setSpriteScale(ship, { 10, 10 } ) setSpriteLocation(ship, gwidth() / 2, gheight() / 2) loop drawSprites() update() repeat
@pianofire So you are storing metadata file information in the 4 first chars and that way you know how long the contents are. Good approach!
@pianofire Thanks for the code sample regarding creating the sprite in code. However, we need to know if the pixel-based coordinate system is 1-based or 0-based, as discussed elsewhere. Your code will obviously break it it's changed to 0-based.
Yes it appears to be 1-based at the moment. I only noticed that this morning
@pianofire That's a similar approach to using uploadImage(), but rather than referencing the colors directly in the Data, you index to them and plot the pixels yourself. Honestly though, I wish we had the ability to load indexed-images and not just direct-color images, and then be able to edit the palette to alter all referenced pixels on the next draw call, like how the NES, SNES, Genesis, etc did it.
(Just to note, your code might error out due to out-of-boundaries, as shipData only contains 15x6 entries, but plotting can reference 16x16 entries)
@Discostew agreed but this way you can use any of the drawing commands not just plot. Why don't you add the palette colour image request to the wishlist?
@pianofire Have to see whether I requested the indexed-image support in the Wishlist. I think I did.
If you want to be able to return from a function at any point, here's an approach I also use for various other programming languages.
By using a "one-pass loop", you can make the function behave as if it has a return statement from any place. (The technique can be used for other situations than function returns as well.)Here's a simple example:
function myFunction(arg) retval = false while true loop if (arg <= 0) then break endif // First "function return" print("Argument is positive\n") if (arg > 100) then break endif // Second "function return" print("Argument is less than 100\n") if (arg % 10) then break endif // Third "function return" print("Argument is not divisible by 10\n") // And so on... retval = true break // This line is crucial, otherwise it becomes an endless loop! repeat return retval // End of function