EDITED this post:
because of a bug with negative values.
because division by zero does not throw error (which is fair enough, but I need to throw a conditional error in my code, so I solved it differently)
I wrote the following function to execute modules on float in FUZE4, and so far this seems to work for me:
// attempt 3:
function modulus(num, div)
if div == 0 then
throw_division_by_zero() // undefined function
sign = 1
if num < 0 then sign = -1 endif
num = abs(num)
div = abs(div)
while num >= div loop num -= div repeat
return div * sign
Since my previous attempt did not behave well with negative numbers, I've now tested this pattern with the following JavaScript (no that JavaScript should be taken as the ultimate example, but it accepts float for modulus and can easily run an experiment from within the browser):
(function module() {
function modulus(num, div) {
!div && throw new Error(‘division by zero’)
var sign = num < 0 ? -1 : 1;
num = Math.abs(num);
div = Math.abs(div);
while(num >= div){ num -= div; }
return num*sign;
for(var i = -4; i<4; i+=.75) {
for(var n = -4; n<4; n+=.75) {
if(n === 0) continue; // prevent division by zero
a = i % n;
b = modulus(i,n);
console.log(a, b, i, n)
console.log(' end' )