The FUZE version of the C loop would be:
for i = 0 to room_width loop // do stuff repeat
But I mean what’s ; is that to, or, +, - ?? And what about I++
@Rxvlism Your first semi colon is indeed the "to", and rather than using I++ as the increment, you define a step. So, for example:
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i += 2){ // things }
for i = 0 to 10 step 2 loop // things repeat
To count backwards:
for i = 10 to 0 loop // things repeat
Or, with a step:
for i = 10 to 0 step -2 loop // things repeat
When incrementing upward, For loops count up to but not including the last value. When counting downward, they count down to and including the last value.
What about instance create ? Just a setSpriteLocation
@Rxvlism I'm not quite sure I understand what you're asking here! Could you elaborate?
Instance_create ( xx, yy, oDirt );
What would this look like in Fuze ?
DrawSprite or ImageI’m confused at how to call oDirt at xx and yy
Probably better to avoid using the sprite commands for the drawing of a map or background, they're intended for characters/objects/animation and make it very easy to interact with a map drawn in the Map Editor loaded with
. Depending on whether this dirt tile is from a tilesheet or is an image unto itself, you'll probably have more success withdrawImage()
. For example:// load tilesheet - let's say the dirt tile is tile no. 3 sheet = loadImage("filename") // using the tileSize function gives us a vector for the tile dimensions tSize = tileSize( sheet, 3 ) scale = 2 for y = 0 to gheight() step tSize.y * scale loop for x = 0 to gwidth() step tSize.x * scale loop drawSheet( sheet, 3, x, y, scale ) repeat repeat
This gives me something like what you're describing!
Im using my own image 16x16 pixels and when I use tileSize I get the “this image does not have tile data.” I don’t use tile sheets for this reason or I’d make one big png
@Rxvlism If you just use one single tile in the image, you can use drawImage()
Yep - so it would look something like this:
// load tilesheet - let's say the dirt tile is tile no. 3 img = loadImage("filename") // using the tileSize function gives us a vector for the tile dimensions tSize = imageSize( sheet ) scale = 2 for y = 0 to gheight() step tSize.y * scale loop for x = 0 to gwidth() step tSize.x * scale loop drawImage( sheet, x, y, scale ) repeat repeat
Just in case anyone else was wondering how it looks with drawSheet.
Is there a getPerlinNosie function in Fuze or will I have to create it ?
@Rxvlism You could always ask this person nicely!
That’s exactly what I’m looking for but 2D how would I contact them the forums ?
@Rxvlism Not sure if they are on here but this person has the same avatar https://fuzearena.com/forum/user/minatsu
Pretty sure that is the user on twitter. みなつ reads Minatsu in English!
Ok I msg him/her thanks guys so much !!! <3